Becky Sharko (langstaff)

Becky has been physically active her entire life, since the age of 2 when she started figure skating and age 7 when she started running. She remains active with figure skating working on her Gold Freeskate and running having just completed her first half marathon back in May of 2016 with a time of 1:55. She is very self motivated and is driven to pursue her goals as well as yours. She has always been interested in fitness and helping people achieve their goals, whether it be coming back from an injury, losing weight or trying to improve their fitness level. She worked 6 years with Vitality Fitness upon graduating with a diploma from the Fitness and Health Promotion program at St. Lawrence College in Kingston. She went on to take holistic nutrition at the Canadian School of Natural Nutrition in Ottawa receiving her Registered Holistic Nutritionist title. 

Her other qualifications and certifications include:
- Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology – Certified Personal Trainer (CSEP-CPT)
- CanFitPro Fitness instructor specialist
- TRX Suspension Certification
- HeartWise Exercise Certification
- Exercise and Pregnancy Certification

- Standard First Aid and CPR/AED Level C

Billy, his wife and daughter have made Kemptville their home. He is excited to share his knowledge and experience and, he looks forward to coaching and motivating people to live healthier lives.

Having a lifelong love of learning, he holds the following certifications; NCCPT Certified Personal Trainer, ISSA Certified Personal Trainer, ISSA Nutrition Coach, ISSA Fitness Coach. CPR/AED/First Aid, and AED Injury and Universal Precautions.

jacob mclellan

Jacob is a recent graduate of both the Physiotherapy Assistant AND the Fitness and Health Promotion programs. He completed two co-ops with us while finishing his education at Algonquin College and loved it so much he decided to join the team.

His qualifications are as follows:
Personal Training Specialist - CanFitPro

Standard First Aid and Level C CPR

Growing up, he played several team sports such as football, hockey and soccer where he learned from a young age the importance of working with others to reach a common goal.

While completing his studies and also working in the field of physiotherapy, he learned that he enjoys and excels at hands-on learning and teaching. It was during this time that he developed a passion for helping people become the best version of themselves.

Becky has many other fitness courses and workshops under her belt and is always striving to learn more and keep herself up to date. Her clients have ranged from the ages of 8 – 70+, pre & postnatal fitness, weight loss, sport specific strengthening and conditioning, and physio referrals (various injuries). She is passionate about making fitness enjoyable and encourages people to find an activity they find fun, when you have fun, achieving your goals doesn't seem as hard. Keeping that in mind don’t be fooled by her innocent sweet demeanor and smile. She’s always smiling but she can definitely put you through your pace

Alex Morehouse

Alex's family moved around a lot when he was growing up but one thing remained constant, his interest and love for physical fitness and the gym, which he was first introduced to when he was just 14 years old. He was immediately inspired and intrigued learning about the mind/body connection and what both the mind AND body were capable of.

Alex successfully completed Pre Service Firefighter training, passed the VPAT and CPAT physical testing, and subsequently worked as a volunteer firefighter for the City of Ottawa.

Later, he made a personal decision to change direction and pursue his passion for health and fitness and became a certified CanFitPro trainer, Strength Coach Level 2. 

Now after several years of training experience, and many client success stories, he looks forward to meeting and helping you on your fitness journey. 

Jacob is an energetic hard worker. His cheerful and friendly demeanor make him very approachable. He loves to talk and help people of all ages with any fitness related problems or questions they may have. He is also a great listener and enjoys helping clients understand and work around obstacles and problems that might be preventing them from achieving their goals.

His qualifications are as follows:
Personal Training Specialist - CanFitPro
Strength Coach Level 2 - Certified Clean Health Fitness Institute
Nutrition Fundamentals - CanFitPro
Standard First Aid and Level C CPR
Precision Nutrition Level 1

"Fitness was one of the only consistent things in my life when moving across North America. No matter where I was, I always found a way to be active and train. My goal as a trainer is to share with others what training did for me and show how fitness can change a person's life." ~ Alex Morehouse

Rebecca entered the world of fitness and sport at a very young age. She began doing competitive gymnastics at the tender age of 4 and power tumbling at age 7. After about 5-6 years of rigorous gymnastics training she moved toward the world of competitive team sports such as basketball, soccer, and volleyball. She trained and played several days per week (oftentimes juggling two or three different disciplines and teams per day). She was often the odd man out on her various sports teams as she, unlike the majority actually welcomed and enjoyed the conditioning and strengthening protocols.

During her high school years she earned many athletic accolades. She also had her first very brief but positive experience lifting weights and working out in an actual gym. During her time at the University of Ottawa she found a place to call home. That place was the gym, and since then she has never left. In university, she began taking certification courses to further her knowledge of the human body, how it works, and how to help people reach their full potential through training. Toward the end of her undergraduate degree she made the wild decision to compete in her first fitness competition. This decision was fueled by her drive and desire to become the best possible version of herself.

Rebecca has now been training consistently for body building competitions for over 10 years, having competed in more than 15 shows in 6 different federations. During that time, she has lost far more than she has won but throughout it all has NEVER lost her determination, motivation, and drive to improve. At the end of the 2024 competition season, Rebecca walked away with a 3rd place finish in the UFE Pro Fitness Division as well as a 1st place finish in the UFE Pro Wellness Division, claiming the UFE Pro Wellness World Champion title!

Billy Aleander

From a very young age Billy has had a genuine love for sports, fitness, training, leadership, and coaching.

Coming from a family of 4 boys, a competition started at the dinner table. He has played many competitive team sports such as baseball, basketball, and football to name a few and, was heavily involved in combative sports like boxing, kick boxing, Karate, and Taekwondo, earning multiple black belts. Most recently, he pursued Ultimate Frisbee which has taken him around the world to complete at both the national and international level.

Billy also spent many years overseas working as a highly decorated chef while continuing to play sports and coach at high levels. As a chef he acquired a keen interest in nutrition and the role of food as healthy medicine and fuel for our bodies.

After years of prioritizing work and sacrificing the wrong things, he became interested in pursuing a career as a personal trainer so that he could help other people prioritize their health.

Rebecca Cronk

Rebecca, owner-operator of Get Cronk’d, has an Honours Bachelor of Science with a Specialization in Human Kinetics from the University of Ottawa. She is a professional member of the Canadian Society of Physiologists (CSEP) and Canadian Fitness Professionals (CanFitPro).

Her qualifications are as follows:  
- CSEP Certified Personal Trainer 
- Precision Nutrition Level 1
- IHP Exercise Specialist
- Spinning Instructor
- CanFitPro Personal Training Specialist 
- CanFitPro Older Adult Specialist 
- CanFitPro Children’s Fitness Coach 
- CanFitPro Healthy Eating and Weight Loss Coach

- Standard First Aid and CPR/AED Level C